A few weeks ago, GLPI 9.5 was released. In the middle of the Summer! (Seriously, Teclib‘? :)).
By the way, GLPI 9.5 is excellent and has evolved with a lot of new and exciting features. Find a detailed review here. Gapp development is a bit slower adding features, but we still move forward, even if you feel the app is overall the same, a lot has changed under the hood.
Anyway, we are focusing on the new features you will find on Gapp 1.2. Without further ado:
New features for Gapp Self-Service
GLPI 9.5 support
This is the main reason for the release. We are now supporting GLPI 9.4 and 9.5.
On 9.5, a lot of API changes have been made, and we are slowly taking advantage of them.
Switch main ticket view
To align with GLPI 9.5, we are entering by default in the Processing view. Nothing more.
Processing ticket events counter
With a quick view, you can now get if a ticket has a long or short timeline.
Note the 3 on the top right Processing icon on the image above.
Edit task and followup settings before send
In previous versions, we used all available screen space to add text to both, tasks and followups, but after that, you no longer had the change to edit the ticket duration or its privacy. Now you can follow the steps below, and alter every field multiple times after sending it:
Linked item basic details
We have moved a little step forward into showing more item information. There are a lot of different pieces of information for every item you can link to a ticket. At this time we have added:
- Name
- Type
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Location
- Serial Number
- Creation date
- Last update
If your linked item misses any of these, simply it won’t be shown.
Image compression
New smartphones have really great cameras, but do you really need a Zillion Megapixels to document a serial number tag or a broken device? Not really. We have added some compression to the images to avoid overloading GLPI server storage.
New settings
The menu was getting crowded, and we created a new settings option to add everything there. You can:
- Check your current GLPI server
- Change your language without logging out
- Access the small manual
- Tweak the Advanced Settings
Advanced settings
To avoid some recurrent bugs from been reported, we have decided to add these two tweaks:
- Timeout. Changed from hardcoded timeout to a custom one. If you have a shortage of resources on your server you have a serious problem. Anyway, our best way to help is letting you increase this timeout to avoid the nagging messages when GLPI is not able to answer fast enough to Gapp.
- Enable image preview. On low RAM Android devices, showing multiple image previews on a ticket caused an out of memory error. Just disable them if this is your case.
Bug fixes
A lot. You guys have the most different GLPI instances, with lots of tweaking and plugins that get in the way.
In our opinion, the most important fixes are related to timeouts coming from really slow instances, and the image preview. Both fixed with new features.
Gapp White Label Features
This is how we make a living. Gapp is great, but somebody has to pay the bills. Remember you can benefit from several additional features with a custom White Label Gapp. A few
- Push notifications
- Notification history
- Actualtime support
- Credit support
- Ticket history
- Deeplinks
- User images
Show actors real names
Login is OK but real names are more natural, aren’t they?
More deeplink URLs
There are a couple of ticket link types redirect and front. We have supported the last one. The main use is related with somebody copy-pasting a ticket link inside a followup or task and being able to open them inside Gapp.
GLPI Agent support
You can install and configure your GLPI Agent inventory app for Fusioninventory with a couple of clicks, making Android devices inventory pretty quick and painless. One-click to request installer
TAM: No map
TAM is our internal solution to track our work time, leaves,
The TAM animation is pretty cool, but Google Maps charge every time it is used. We have added another view with coordinates and no map when you don’t want to pay to Google.
TAM: Today’s check-in and off.
We have added a new option to check the current day checks. It gives a little more detail to the worker. An icon shows if the check-in or off has been performed from Gapp or from the website.
What’s next – The roadmap
As we publish this Gapp 1.2 version, we are starting with a few funded features for 1.3. This is a partial roadmap with some enhancements you could find in future Gapp versions:
- Ticket status change
- Task templates
- Show SLAs on tickets. It will change how the ticket list is seen adding more information. A challenging feature indeed.
- Additional filtering – ordering options. Opening Pandora’s box.
Contributing – Helping – Supporting Gapp
Big thank you to all Gapp community and to you if you are a newcomer. We love you all the same ;). Back to the subject, there are a few ways you can help Gapp:
- Sponsor a feature. Contact us.
- Get a Gapp White Label App. Your custom app. Log in and work.
- Bug reporting: https://github.com/ticgal/gapp
- Beta testing: Join the testers club at the Play store 🙂
- Translate: Gapp is in 12 languages thanks to people like you. Join us: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/gapp, and you’ll be remembered on our small Hall of Fame 🙂