Gapp Self-Service: A GLPI Free App
Elevate Your GLPI Experience On-the-Go

What is Gapp?
Gapp is a mobile GLPI app. Gapp is a project born from the need to provide easy mobile access to GLPI, especially for end users, a.k.a. self-service.
Gapp features
- Ticket creation
- File upload
- On:
- Adding a Ticket
- Adding a Followup
- Adding a Ticket Task
- Adding a Solution
- From:
- The camera
- The gallery
- On:
- Add Followups
- Add and edit Tasks
- Add Solutions (using Templates)
- Ticket Approval
- Solution approval
- Ticket Satisfaction
Gapp Requirements
- An Android 6+ smartphone. (Currently, it is not optimised for other devices, but we have tested it on tablets and Android TV devices, and it works).
- A GLPI 10.0.3+ installation. Please read about why we decided to stop supporting older versions here: CVE-2022-35914 and how the GLPI ecosystem might be affected.
Gapp Supported Languages
Gapp 2 has been redesigned from scratch. We even changed our localisation platform.Some of these languages are supported thanks to contributors. We also remember our previous translators here. You can help by adding new languages or fixing typos and other translation errors at the Localazy Gapp project.
Your Ultimate Guide to Gapp Self-Service
Is Gapp Self-Service not enough?
Gapp White Label goes beyond the standard offering by providing enhanced security, additional features, plugin integrations, and branding options tailored to your organization. Extend your capabilities and present a unified brand experience with Gapp White Label.
Gapp related articles
Gapp FAQ
General questions
Yes, there is. You can find it here.
We have been Teclib’s partners since 2016 and humble contributors to the GLPI project.
Gold Partners since 2023
All rights related to GLPI belong to Teclib’ as their editor.
Every GLPI user wants a mobile app for GLPI. There were a few efforts in the past, but they are not working now.
Our initial idea was to give end-users (aka Self-Service) an easy way to open a ticket everywhere. We genuinely think we have developed a tool that delivers.
By adding the Self-Service flavour, we are exposing what you can expect from the app in its current state of development.
There’s only one app. Gapp. We call it Gapp Self-service because we didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
Announcing a GLPI app could make you think you could work with GLPI from your smartphone.
This way, we announced: “Hey, here you have a new app. It works with GLPI, but don’t expect more features than your Self-service users could use.”
We changed our minds with the feedback we were getting from our clients and beta testers. The project evolved, and we grew with the project. A plugin was released, many features were added, and the name was misleading. So, we removed the surname. So, Gapp, it is (for the time being :).
Believe us, we have changed so many times we don’t know if we are reshaping, morphing or evolving. The implications involving those changes took the project to the edge. Fortunately, the rudder is back on our hands. Sorry for the mess.
Gapp Self-Service will always be free.
Why don’t you? (Yep, we Galicians usually answer with another question.)
- You know GLPI
- You can read this in English
- You know your language better than us
The applications needs permission to work and a few more to enhance user experience:
- Internet access. This is quite obvious. Without it, it would not be possible to access GLPI.
- Camera. If you want to take a photo and upload it to a ticket, you must enable it.
- Storage. If you want to upload images or documents from your phone to a ticket, you must enable it.
Additional permissions might be needed in the future. We are not retrieving nor selling any data. Simply, it is not what we do.
Gapp is under heavy development. Please check our Gapp-related posts for up-to-date information about the project.
If you need a particular feature and would like to sponsor it, don’t hesitate to contact us. However, our Gapp White Label program already has a lot more features. More on this soon.
Gapp tries to replicate GLPI behaviour when possible.
GLPI uses the Remember checkbox to allow easier logging to the platform. Gapp does the same.
If you log out because you are testing the app, you don’t want to reuse the credentials. That’s why they are removed.
Please read this article to get an idea about what has happened to GLPI in terms of security and why the Gapp roadmap has been radically updated.
It is hard enough to support all the different tweaks and misconfigurations you might (and actually do) perform on your GLPI system. We generally stick to Teclib’s supported versions whenever we can.
You can ask us to professionally support your old version, but it will be more productive in almost every scenario to update your GLPI and stick to Gapp‘s last version.
It is free to upgrade. Just do it or hire someone to do it for you.
Yes, we have.
You can have a Branded Mobile Solution for your ticketing needs. Just think about your brand: An app at the Play Store with your corporate identity boosts your brand awareness. Your users, colleagues, clients, and whoever you are supporting: reporting an issue, adding a follow-up, or taking a picture from the convenience of their devices. Techs: as road warriors, they’ll improve their performance by removing paper reports.
If you are interested, please check our Gapp White Label page.
Known issues
This is a known API limitation. Self-service users cannot access the document list, nor other dropdowns like categories, locations, request origins, assets.
On a common application, It is not possible right now to let the user interact with these items.
We have developed a new plugin to overcome the ticket document access annoyance: Gapp Essentials
However, it is possible to create a custom application for your organisation, where all this information is available:
- Custom corporate identity
- Custom name
- Company logo
- Company colours
- Preconfigured settings.
- No server setup. Works with user and password.
- Custom ticket origin. Track how many tickets and followups are performed using Gapp.
- On ticket creation:
- Add category
- Add location
- Add assets
- …
If you want it. Please contact us
There is this funny, known bug related to satisfaction management called I can get no satisfaction (yep, like the Rolling Stones hit :)) that doesn’t allow Gapp to deliver satisfaction on GLPI versions below 9.4. Currently
You must upgrade your GLPI or hire someone to do it for you. We might suggest a company. 😉
This is a known limitation. GLPI API doesn’t allow access to dropdowns. We have overcome that limitation, and it will be available in future releases.
First of all. Don’t panic!?
Are you using the latest version? Please check.
Does the error keep showing? We have a few options here:
- Please send the Android report. Some manufacturers send them without user interaction, while others request user permission. Error reporting is welcome, as it will help us improve Gapp.
- Check our Gapp Known Issues. We might have a solution for that particular error.
- If it is not in the KB, please report it using the following:
- Open an issue in github
Bear in mind we cannot support every setup. This is one example we’ll keep for future reference.
We can support you professionally if you need the app or anything related to GLPI.
Check existing Gapp Known Issues.
Remember, if you need the app or need anything related to GLPI, we can support you professionally.