We are happy to announce that TICgal has joined three tecnological associations: AGASOL, ASOLIF and Cluster TIC Galicia.
Our hope is to continue contributing to the wide range of existing Open Source solutions, and through the new relationships we have recently formalized, to encourage the use of these technologies societywide.
Association of Galician Free Software Companies
Agasol é unha iniciativa de empresas galegas de software libre que se agrupan nunha asociación para intentar acadar maiores oportunidades de negocio, exercer como interlocutores dun sector en fase expansiva en Galicia e, ao tempo, promocionar un modelo de sociedade do coñecemento no que resulta clave a liberdade para mellorar os programas informáticos e facer públicos e accesibles eses progresos.
Spanish National Open Source Companies Federation
ASOLIF is a federation of associations and companies that aims to defend and promote the interests of organisations and companies that opt for free software, through the generation and support of projects and initiatives, individual or collective, based on Open Source models, to achieve responsible wealth generation.
About Cluster TIC Galicia
The Galician ICT Cluster, known as Cluster TIC Galicia, is a private non-profit business association led by Industry and founded in 2008 to bring together companies, business associations, professional associations and other stakeholders from the Galician ICT sector. It is active in the whole value chain of the ICT macro sector and works closely with the Galician Universities and Research Centres.
Fully committed with the Galician society since its founding, the Cluster focuses on promoting collaboration between companies, taking advantage of the driving force of the largest and of the agility and innovation capability of the SMEs to foster changes in the production model, working towards an economy based on innovation and productivity.
The organisation supports its members through a wide range of services. Grant and project management, training, collaboration tools, dissemination activities, R&D services, internationalisation actions or Workings Groups are some of the most valued services between all Cluster members, especially SMEs and micro-enterprises.
The Cluster has its own Investor’s Club, a strategic group of companies and private investors that commit to investing in new start-ups from the Galician ICT sector, looking for new, innovative, cross-sectoral business models. Cluster TIC Galicia works closely with other entities, public or private. In 2013, it was awarded the Bronze Label distinction by the European Secretariat of Cluster Analysis (ESCA), a recognition of excellence on cluster management. Since 2010, it is also recognised as an Innovative Business Group by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), a label that certifies the organisation commitment with Galician ICT business, especially SMEs. Cluster TIC Galicia is also a core member of the “Clusters Galicia” initiative, a famous brand for Galician clusters and a shared workspace for cross-sectoral actions.
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