Now that it’s over, it’s time to comment on yesterday’s experience at the Puntazo Exprés.
What is Puntazo Exprés
It’s a section of the Pont-up Store, an initiative supporting entrepreneurship. There, they allow you to present a new operating project in front of 4 distinguished personalities from different companies or renowned entities in Galicia, following this dynamic:
- A public exposition. This time, it was at the Casa das Campás in Pontevedra, the headquarters of the Vice-Rectorate of the Pontevedra Campus of the University of Vigo.
- Speakers have 5 minutes to defend their project, product, or service.
- At the end of each presentation, the listeners give their opinions, ideas, or advice.
Who were the listeners
Besides the public that freely attended the presentations, the main four were:
- Uxía Fontán Lago, Social Media & Inbound Marketing Director at Roi Scroll
- Carlos Suárez Rey, Partner and General Director of EDISA
- Tomás Casquero Cimadevila, General Director of the Galician biotechnology company Hifas da Terra
- Jessica Rey Gómez, Marketing Manager at Casa Grande de Xanceda
What I presented
Our star service is GLPI. This was unquestionable.

When you contact someone in the IT sector, even if they don’t know GLPI, they have the exact needs as the rest: inventory their assets and manage requests, inquiries and incidents arising from their use. It’s simple to explain what it does. However, explaining it to someone outside the field is a different challenge.
The real challenge was to condense into 5 minutes:
- What is an Asset Inventory and a Service Desk, and what are they for
- What is GLPI
- What we do at TICgal
The presentation without explanation isn’t much use, but it is in case you’re interested.
Perhaps the promotional video is more explanatory (in Galician):
Is the format correct?
As a constructive criticism, it seems to me that the format requires a slight reformation. Two long hours is a lot of time to keep the audience and listeners engaged. I sincerely believe that one of these minor modifications would reduce its duration and inversely increase the value of the activity:
- Reduce the number of projects to 5 or 6 so that their duration does not exceed one hour by much.
- If you are unwilling to reduce the number of projects, divide them into two blocks, either with a break or at different times.
Would you do it again?
Logically, it’s impossible to present twice at an event of this type, but if I could: Without a doubt.
I am very critical of all the fuss generated around the world of so-called entrepreneurship. My thoughts are much like this article by Jose María Alarcón. However, as a company, any promotional platform is welcome. It forces you to refine ideas and present them publicly to an audience probably in your area. You will always benefit from this work, not just in your professional performance but also in the rest of your life. Add to that the recommendations from people who have been in the business world longer than you have, and if you’re not convinced, I don’t know what more to say :).
If you’re considering presenting at a future edition, I can only give you one advice: go for it.
Finally, I want to publicly thank Evelio Sánchez, a member of the organization, for being the instigator behind our candidacy and to personalize Beatriz Lourido, Technical Secretary of Puntazo Exprés at Pont-Up Store.
Long live Pont-up Store!
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