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This website,, is owned and managed by Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación de Galicia, S.L.U., which, in compliance with the provisions of the LSSICE – Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, is identified below:
CIF: B94165495
Address: Calle Fernando II, número 1, escalera 2, planta baja, puerta 1. 36003 Pontevedra, Galiza, Spain
Phone: +34 986 101 000
Email: hello[at]ticgal[dot]com

Use: The use of the services offered on this page confers the condition of user, and is considered express and unreserved acceptance of these legal conditions. The use of certain services offered on this site will also be governed by the particular conditions provided in each case, which will be understood to be accepted by the mere use of them.

Availability and access to the portal: Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación de Galicia, S.L.U. reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation and the conditions of access. It is therefore not responsible for interruptions or errors on the page.

Access: There are certain parts of the website with access reserved for customers, using a user ID and password.

GPDR: The personal data linked to the page comply with and respect the requirements of current legislation on the protection of personal data, and will only be used for the established purpose; with the limitations and rights contained in the Organic Law 15/1999, of Protection of Personal Data and the Regulations that develop it.
The data provided by the users will be incorporated to the files for which Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación de Galicia, S.L.U. is responsible. Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación de Galicia, S.L.U. will adopt all the security measures in relation to the files and data treated in them.

The users will be able to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of their data by writing to:
Rúa Gagos de Mendoza 2, 5º Oficina 1-2
36001 Pontevedra, Galiza, Spain

Or in the electronic address:

Applicable law and jurisdiction: For the resolution of any dispute relating to this website or the activities carried out therein, Spanish law shall apply, to which the parties expressly submit themselves; the Courts and Tribunals of Pontevedra being competent for the resolution of conflicts arising from or relating to its use, except for specific regulations on the protection of consumers and users.

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